In situ Research Revealing the Impact of Au Surfactant on the Formation of Extremely-Skinny Ag Layers Utilizing Excessive-power Impulse Magnetron Sputter Deposition

Introducing metallic nanoparticles, resembling Au, on the substrate as a surfactant or wetting inducer has been…

Revealing the degradation pathways of layered Li-rich oxide cathodes

Wang, J. et al. Lithium- and manganese-rich oxide cathode supplies for high-energy lithium ion batteries. Adv.…

Revealing DNA conduct in file time (w/video)

Aug 22, 2024 (Nanowerk Information) “DNA, RNA and proteins are the important thing gamers to control…

Revealing the dynamic choreography inside multilayer vesicles

Our cells and the equipment inside them are engaged in a continuing dance. This dance includes…