A modular DNA origami nanocompartment for engineering a cell-free, protein unfolding and degradation pathway

Chemical compounds and DNA origami meeting

Until acknowledged in a different way, all chemical substances had been bought from Merck or Thermo Fisher; consumables had been from VWR, Eppendorf or Millipore. DNA sequences had been bought from Merck or IDT. cPA sequence for protein conjugation was GTGGAAAGTGGCAATC; PA sequence for protein immobilization was CTTCACGATTGCCACTT TCCAC (the underlined bases symbolize the toehold area). Full-cPA sequence for protein displacement from the compartment was GTGGAAAGTGGCAATCGTGAAG. All DNA sequences for origami meeting are reported as Supplementary Knowledge 2. Buffers had been TEMgX (5 mM Tris base, 1 mM EDTA, X mM MgCl2, pH 8.0; X = 12.5, 16 or 20) and TBEMg (40 mM Tris base, 20 mM boric acid, 2 mM EDTA and 12.5 mM MgCl2). DNA origami constructions had been designed with caDNAno (https://cadnano.org/). The scaffold sequence p7560 was bought from tilibit nanosystems and amplified as beforehand described44. Meeting of N and E origami constructions was carried out by mixing the scaffold strand with fivefold staple strands in 1× TEMg20 (65 °C for 10 min, 52 °C for 3 h). Pre-assembled N and E monomers had been blended in equimolar quantities and incubated for 4 h, at 40 °C to acquire NE. Particular person NE constructions had been pre-activated at their edges to allow multimerization. Upon ultrafiltration (100 kDa molecular weight cut-off (MWCO), seven instances in 1× TEMg5), the monomers had been blended in equimolar quantities and incubated at 4 °C in a single day. Meeting of the lid was accomplished by mixing the scaffold with tenfold staple strands in 1× TEMg16 (75 °C to 40 °C, −1 °C per 30 min; maintain at 21 °C). Attachment of 1 or two lids to the origami compartments was accomplished by mixing filter-purified constructions in equimolar quantities and adjusting the magnesium ions focus to twenty mM (37 °C for 12 h, 8 °C in a single day). Thermal meeting was carried out in a Thermocycler Mastercycler nexus gradient (Eppendorf), utilizing a lid temperature 10 °C above the very best meeting temperature. DNA focus was measured by recording the absorption at 260 nm utilizing a DS11 spectrophotometer (De Novix). The sign from the buffer was subtracted, and the focus was calculated through the extinction issue offered by the seller. DNA origami focus was estimated utilizing a molar extinction coefficient of 9.32 × 106 cm−1 M−1. DNA origami constructions had been purified from extra staple strands by polyethylenglycol (PEG)-assisted precipitation44, or by ultrafiltration, utilizing 100 kDa or 50 kDa MWCO centrifugal units. Samples had been washed as much as seven instances and centrifuged at 8,000g for five min at 21 °C.


All proteins used for in vitro reconstitution of the segregation–unfolding pathway had been obtained as beforehand described33. Briefly, human p97 constructs had been expressed with a His6 tag and purified by affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC, utilizing a Superose 6 10/300 column). Human p37 was expressed in Escherichia coli with an N-terminal glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-tag. The protein was purified by GST-tag affinity chromatography with subsequent GST-tag removing and additional purified by SEC. The complicated of SDS22, PP1 and His6-I3-mEos3.2 was expressed in Excessive 5 insect cells and purified through NiNTA affinity chromatography, ion change chromatography and SEC. For conversion of inexperienced mEos to the pink type, SP–I3mEos was irradiated at 365 nm wavelength for 120 min on ice utilizing a 100 W Blak-Ray, B-100AP UV lamp (Fisher Scientific). aCt (from bovine pancreas, 350 U mg−1, #1.02307) was bought from Sigma-Aldrich. An inventory of proteins used on this research, together with their molecular weights and the scale of their complexes, is reported in Supplementary Desk 1.

Synthesis of the p97–cPA conjugate

The chloroalkane (CH)-modified cPA oligonucleotide was obtained by incubating the amino-modified cPA with tenfold extra N-hydroxysuccinimidyl-modified CH for at the least 2 h, at 21 °C. The CH-cPA was remoted both by precipitation in a 1:8 (v:v) resolution of 5 M ammonium acetate/isopropanol or by gel extraction, adopted by ultrafiltration (3 kDa MWCO). Profitable attainment of the product was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization, utilizing the oligonucleotide resolution (10 µM to 100 µM) blended with an equimolar quantity of matrix. As much as 4 completely different oligonucleotides had been used as mass customary. Laser energy, spot measurement and frequency had been adjusted to permit detection of the heaviest oligonucleotide; mass spectra had been baseline subtracted. Then, the cPA-CH conjugate was blended to purified HaloTag-fused p97 (10:1) in storage buffer at 8 °C in a single day. The response combination was purified by SEC. Fractions of curiosity had been pooled and concentrated by ultrafiltration (100 kDa MWCO). Profitable conjugation was verified by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and p97–cPA focus was estimated utilizing an ordinary curve.

Synthesis of the aCt–cPA conjugate

N-[α-maleimidoacetoxy] succinimide ester (AMAS, 20 mM, in dimethyl sulfoxide) was blended with aCt (4 mM) at a molar ratio of 28:1 and incubated at room temperature for two h. Thiol-modified oligonucleotides had been handled with Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) at room temperature for 20 min, and the surplus of TCEP was then eliminated by ultrafiltration (3 kDa MWCO) or isopropanol precipitation. The lowered oligonucleotides had been added to the AMAS-coupled aCt in a molar ratio of 1:5, and the combination was saved at 4 °C in a single day. The aCt–cPA conjugate (1:1) was remoted by ion-exchange chromatography (proFIRE, Dynamic Biosensors) and concentrated by ultrafiltration (20 kDa MWCO).

Binding of proteins within the DNA origami compartment

The p97–cPA conjugate was blended with the DNA origami compartment in tenfold molar extra over the protruding arms, and the answer was incubated in 1× TEMg20 at 8 °C in a single day. The DNA-encaged p97 was remoted by SEC, and fractions of curiosity had been pooled and concentrated by ultrafiltration (100 kDa MWCO). Alternatively, streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (35 µl) had been washed 4 instances with 400 µl TEN100 buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM Na2EDTA, 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.5) and incubated with 0.5 nmol of biotin-modified T10-PA strand at 8 °C in a single day. The beads had been washed 3 times with 400 µl storage buffer and incubated with 20 µl response combination for at the least 2 h, at 8 °C. DNA origami samples had been recovered by washing off the beads. Alternatively, DNA origami samples had been first immobilized onto the beads and pulled down by strand-displacement. Profitable encapsulation of p97 was verified by TEM and pattern focus was estimated by absorbance at 260 nm. The aCt–cPA conjugate was blended with the DNA origami compartment in twofold molar extra over the protruding arms and incubated in 1× TEMg20 (37 °C for 10 min; 36 °C to 10 °C, at −1 °C per 3 min). Unbound protein was eliminated by PEG-assisted precipitation. The DNA origami pellet was redissolved in 1× TEMg20 and saved at 4 °C till utilization. Pattern focus was estimated by gel utilizing an ordinary curve.

Dynamic gentle scattering

Unpurified N and E constructions had been blended in equimolar quantity (10 nM), and the change within the hydrodynamic radius was measured over time (Zetasizer, Malvern Analytics). Completely different temperatures and Mg concentrations had been utilized in distinct experiments. The refractive index for the buffer was obtained by the Zeta Analyzer Software program built-in calculator. Attenuator 11 was chosen to maintain the particle depend roughly fixed.

Gel electrophoresis evaluation

For AGE, an answer of 1% agarose (Lonza) in 1× TBEMg was used for casting the gels. Gels had been run at 80 V for 1.5 h in ice bathtub and stained with ethidium bromide (EtBr) or SYBR Inexperienced I. For SDS PAGE, a 15% polyacrylamide resolution was used. Operating situations: 1 h at 180 V. The gels had been first stained with SYBR Gold after which with Coomassie R250 staining resolution (0.06%). Operating buffer (1.5 M Tris–HCl, pH 8.8), stacking gel buffer (1 M Tris–HCl, pH 6.8), electrophoretic buffer (25 mM Tris, 250 mM Gly and 10% SDS), and loading dye (0.6 M Tris–HCl, 40% glycerol, 8% SDS and 0.4 mg ml−1 bromophenol blue) had been used. Earlier than staining, fluorescently labelled samples had been visualized by scanning the gel with a Hurricane FLA9000 (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) at completely different wavelengths. Stained gels had been additionally scanned with a Hurricane FLA9000 and visualized upon UV illumination.


5 microlitres of pattern was deposited on a freshly cleaved mica floor (Plano GmbH) and adsorbed for 3 min at room temperature. After washing with ddH2O, the pattern was dried underneath light argon move. Samples had been scanned in ScanAsyst Mode utilizing a MultiMode microscope (Bruker) outfitted with a Nanoscope V controller, utilizing cantilevers with sharpened pyramidal suggestions (ScanAsyst-Air or ScanAsyst-Fluid+ suggestions, Bruker). A number of AFM pictures had been acquired from completely different areas of the mica floor to make sure reproducibility of the outcomes. All pictures had been analysed by utilizing the NanoScope Evaluation 1.5 software program.

Damaging-stain TEM

Carbon-coated copper grids (400 mesh, Quantifoil) had been glow charged at 10 mA for 30 s and coated with 5 µl pattern for two min. For DNA origami, 10 nM resolution was utilized to the grid, dried off with a filter paper and washed with 5 µl of a 1% uranyl formate staining resolution. 5 microlitres of staining resolution was then added, incubated for two min and dried with a filter paper. For protein samples, 200 nM resolution was incubated for two min on the grid and dried off with a filter paper, then washed two instances with 5 µl water and two instances with staining resolution earlier than making use of 5 µl staining resolution for two min. Grids had been additional dried in air for a couple of minutes earlier than investigation with TEM (JEOL JEM 1400Plus outfitted with a 120 kV beam from a LaB6 or tungsten filament). Pictures had been manually obtained close to the Scherzer defocus (highest distinction close to the main target). The constructions of curiosity had been recognized utilizing the cell counter plugin for the software program FiJi. The variety of particular person DNA origami constructions imaged was evaluated to make sure statistical relevance. Class averages had been obtained by Eman2, and the pictures had been checked for absence of drift or stigmatism utilizing the distinction switch operate (CTF). A spherical aberration of three.4 was used and CTF was fitted as beneficial for negative-stain TEM. If not acknowledged in a different way, field measurement was 200 pixels and particles had been picked manually at 7.42 Å per pixel decision, sorted and averaged in 32 courses. Distinction was set at 60–80, and a low-pass filter of 20 Å was used to acquire two-dimensional (2D) class averages.

Cryo-EM and protein prediction mannequin

Ten microlitres of concentrated pattern at 200 nM had been utilized to plasma cleaned Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 holey carbon grids. Loaded grids had been plunge-frozen utilizing a Vitrobot (FEI, Thermo Scientific) on the following settings: humidity 95%, temperature 20 °C, wait time 0 s, blot time 3 s, drain time 0 s, blot pressure 3. Knowledge had been acquired on a Talos Arctica electron microscope working at 200 kV. The gear included a Falcon 3EC detector and SerialEM software program. Micrographs had been recorded with an electron dose of 23 e Å−2 s−1 and later adjusted to a pixel measurement of 1.997 Å in RELION 4.1. Recorded micrographs had been motion-corrected utilizing MotionCor2, and the CTF was estimated utilizing CTFFIND-4.1. Micrographs had been manually assessed for astigmatism, and a couple of,486 micrographs had been chosen for additional evaluation. A complete of 57,000 particles had been manually picked, extracted and subjected to reference-free 2D classification. Two-dimensional courses had been additional utilized in a number of cycles of 2D and 3D classifications to take away falsely aligned particles and to analyze intrinsic heterogeneity. The refined 3D map was generated utilizing an preliminary low-resolution 3D mannequin, with a complete of ca. 14,400 particles. Lastly, post-processing of the map was accomplished utilizing a low-pass-filtered masks to calculate the Fourier shell correlation and to estimate the ultimate decision, which was 16 Å. The 2D slice facet view was generated from a bigger dataset and included ca. 27,000 particles. The experimental parameters had been barely modified throughout grid preparation to blot time 6 s and blot pressure 2. Cryo-EM density maps had been analysed utilizing the ResolutionMap algorithm45. The atomic mannequin of the apo p97-HaloTag protein was generated utilizing AlphaFold2 (ref. 46) embedded into the UCSF ChimeraX software program bundle47 and run by the ColabFold interface48. Becoming into the cryo-EM density map and era of the 3D mannequin of the DNA-protein assemble was accomplished utilizing ChimeraX.

Substrate unfolding assay

A grasp combine containing SP–I3mEos (35 nM) and p37 (500 nM) in unfolding buffer (25 mM HEPES, 100 mM KCl and 5 mM MgCl2, pH 7.4) was ready earlier than every experiment and aliquoted for technical duplicate. Samples had been positioned on 384 well-plates; p97 or A(p97) (2 nM) was added, and the response mixtures had been equilibrated for 20 min at 37 °C. Pre-warmed ATP (2 mM) was rapidly added, and the options had been blended by pipetting; last quantity was 50 μl per pattern. The fluorescence sign was monitored over time utilizing a Tecan Spark 10 and gathering one information level per minute for about 5 h (540 nm/580 nm, ex/em for pink I3mEos; 490 nm/520 nm for inexperienced I3mEos). Fluorescence values relative to the equilibration section had been thought of for evaluation. The preliminary charges had been calculated from the slopes of the curves between 50 min and 200 min, evaluating every curve with a reference sign from a buffer resolution; this was accomplished to tell apart the fluorescence modifications as a consequence of efficient substrate unfolding from these attributable to dilution of the pattern after addition of ATP. The common values obtained throughout the identical experiment had been normalized to the very best fee noticed.

Chymotrypsin enzymatic exercise

Chromogenic substrate Suc-AAPF-pNA (Sigma-Aldrich, #S7388) was resuspended in dimethyl sulfoxide to succeed in a focus of 20 mM. Enzymatic exercise assays had been carried out by incubating aCt with completely different concentrations of substrate (from 0 to 400 or 1,000 µM) in exercise buffer (20 mM Tris base with 5 mM MgCl2 and three mM CaCl2, pH 8) at 30 °C for two h. The progress of the catalytic response was monitored over time by measuring the absorbance of every pattern at 410 nm.

Proteomics evaluation

SP–I3mEos (2.1 μM) was blended with p37 (2.1 μM) in unfolding buffer. Afterwards, chymotrypsin (unbound: 12 nM, encaged: 2 nM) and/or p97 (unbound 2 nM, encaged 2 nM) had been added to succeed in a last quantity of 18 μl. The pre-warmed ATP was added to a last focus of two mM, and the response combination was incubated at 37 °C for five min, 10 min, 30 min or 60 min. An identical samples had been ready to analyse the progress of the response at distinct time factors. The enzymatic response was stopped by including a fourfold extra of ice-cold acetone (80 µl; Sigma-Aldrich, 270725) to induce protein precipitation. The samples had been incubated in a single day at −20 °C. Proteins had been sedimented by centrifugation at 18,213g at 4 °C for 30 min, and the supernatant of every pattern was transferred to a contemporary vessel. The solvent was eliminated underneath lowered stress at 30 °C in a centrifugal vacuum concentrator (Eppendorf), and the peptides had been dissolved in 50 µl benzonase-containing buffer (10 u benzonase per pattern; EMD Millipore, 71206), adopted by incubation at 37 °C for two h. Every pattern was acidified with 1 µl formic acid (FA; Fisher Chemical, A117-50) and peptides had been loaded onto EvoTips (Evosep, EV2001). Samples had been then separated utilizing the Evosep One UPLC system outfitted with an Evosep, EV1064 analytical column (60/100 samples per day; 21 min proprietary preformed gradient; solvent A: 0.1% FA; solvent B: 0.1% FA, 99.9% acetonitrile; variable move set by Evosep One). Mass spectra had been acquired on an Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific). MS1 information acquisition was accomplished in a m/z vary of 300–1,500 at a decision of 60,000 (m/z = 400). Knowledge-dependent MS2 spectra had been acquired within the Iontrap at speedy scan vary utilizing a topN = 15 loop with a dynamic exclusion time set to 30 s. Fragmentation by collision-induced dissociation was carried out at a normalized collision power of 35. Knowledge processing was accomplished in Proteome Discoverer 2.5 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) utilizing the SequestHT search engine. Statistical evaluation was accomplished utilizing Perseus Knowledge are given in label-free quantification (LFQ) depth items and represented in a log2 scale (one LFQ is a twofold change in relative depth).

Unfolding-assisted phosphorylation of mEos at tyrosine residues

The GPS software program device49 was used to pick essentially the most appropriate kinase candidate for phosphorylation of mEos. Highest scores had been discovered for the Src tyrosine kinase and Tyr 115, Tyr 147 and Tyr 211 of mEos. Biotinylated tyrosine kinase Src (Src*biotin, Carna Biosciences, 08-473-20N) was blended with streptavidin in equimolar quantity and incubated on ice for two h. Biotin-modified cPA strand (biot-cPA) was blended with B6 in a 12-fold extra and incubated at 37 °C for two h. Extra biot-cPA was eliminated by PEG precipitation, and the purified biotin-functionalized chamber was incubated with the Src combination. The so-obtained B(Src) was purified by SEC and linked downstream of A(p97) to type the chimera construction A(p97)/B(Src). This assemble (2 nM) was blended with inexperienced SP–I3mEos (35 nM), p37 (500 nM) and ATP (2 mM) and incubated at 37 °C for two h. Management samples had been ready equally and used to confirm the extent of off-target phosphorylation and on-target phosphorylation with out prior substrate unfolding. Samples had been analysed by western blotting utilizing antibodies particular to phosphorylated tyrosine. SDS22 antibody B-6 (Santa Cruz Biotechnologies), UBXN-2 antibody (PMID 23649807), PP1γ antibody (E-9; Santa Cruz Biotechnology) had been used at a dilution of 1:1,000. Anti-I3 (PMID 25298395) was used at a dilution of 1:200. Western blots had been developed with a ChemoStar TS digital ECL imager (Intas) utilizing ChemoStar software program v.0.5.67 (Intas). Alexa Fluor 647-modified phosphotyrosine antibody (P-Tyr-01; ThermoFisher) was used at a dilution of 1:1,000, and fluorescence was recorded utilizing a Hurricane FLA9000 scanner.

Statistics and reproducibility

Details about the statistical relevance of the information is reported within the legends as variety of information factors collected (n), for a given variety of technical or organic replicates. Field plots embody information from imply ± customary deviation (s.d.); whiskers are 1.5-fold s.d.; white dots and black strains point out, respectively, the imply and median worth of every information set. No outliers have been excluded from evaluation. AFM and TEM pictures proven within the figures are consultant examples of wide-field views. TEM information had been interpreted by resampling the pictures to acquire round 200 constructions per subset. Alternatively, picture to picture variance was calculated. AGE and SDS gels proven within the figures are consultant examples of comparable experiments that yielded the identical outcome. Reported kinetic assays are the averaged results of experiments performed by completely different investigators. In all circumstances, reproducibility was noticed. No information had been excluded from the analyses, and the investigators weren’t blinded to allocation throughout experiments and final result evaluation.

Reporting abstract

Additional info on analysis design is on the market within the Nature Portfolio Reporting Abstract linked to this text.

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